July 25, 2007

Did you See It?

The day the world went to hell in a hand basket. No it didn’t happen overnight. Little by little we gave it all away. Everything that ever stood for virtue, value, morality, for God, or for what was fair – snuffed out.

Strange how that word “fair” doesn’t seem to fit well with people’s agendas or personal gain. It seems now a days you can get sued and still go through with what that person or organization intends to do to tear apart the foundation of society. I submit:

- God has been removed from state and government buildings, crosses, and the 10 commandments. He has been stripped from academia, barely noticeable in the court rooms and God has been removed from the Pledge of Allegiance (judge ruled unconstitutional).

But I wonder, how long will you remember these words? What do I have to say to get you to respond, to take notice, to take accountability? Shall I offend you, just to invoke a response? Is that what we have come to in society; oh how low we have sunk. Pitiful how you’ll defend your right to not be offend but do nothing as you go home, passed the left-overs on the street corner, to the life you think you own. While over dinner you listen as your children discuss their new found right they’ve learned that day in school about burning the flag, with little regard for the many who died to protect the freedom they now presume to take for granted. Yet we are slowing being broken up, taken away.

How sad liberals can make so much fuss, and raise so much money in support of their "rights" that serve demented means, but few oppose with equal vigor. We only fuss after the fact much less to do the right thing to ensure that what is sane, right, or morally founded stays in effect.

I See a Great Divide
It’s among us now

God has many times spoken,
His truths written down
Many kings have ruled and died,
But their sons heed not their broken ways

Why are we in such a hurry
to erase our forefathers good virtue and common sense?
What are we trying to prove?
Doesn’t anyone care about anything worth fighting for?

We are weak sheep of lost way,
And blindly we are consumed
By the world of wolves of today
I see a great divide

And it is me.

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